My mother and I moved into Dave's house a few months ago. I was impartial about the move; I was moving out of an apartment in Parkland and into a 2 story house in Bonney Lake. I got the whole downstairs to myself, my own home theater in my bedroom, and upstairs had a big-screen HDTV with TiVo. There was a garage with held a Trans Am, there was a large back yard, and, best of all, it wasn't parkland. During the last stages of the move, mom and I would take the white AstroVan to get the boxes at the old place. On the trips, we have any CDs with us, so I put the radio on National Public Radio (NPR). NPR supplies me with stories, news, and games about current topics, and it's a great radio station...if you're left-wing. Dave and I don't talk unless one of us needs something from the other. “Can you move your car?” or “Can you move the your car, your mom's car, and the truck?” are the most common “conversations” we have, so most of what Dave is like I hear through my mom. I suppose it works most of the time, but if there's a conflict, my mom ends up being the diplomat. “Dave got upset that his van's radio was on NPR.” she said one day. “So?” was the only thing that came to mind. I put up with his love of Nascar, his love for George W. Bush (the president famous for losing the popular vote), and I put up with it. So when I got wind that my liberal views upset him, I did the teenage thing: rebel. Of course, I'm a good kid, so I don't yell and carry on like a madman. I just listen to NPR in my room, in my mom's car, talk about politics with my mom. I appologize for being so bland about this, but I'm not far left enough to do anything outrageous. I'm not an eco-terrorist, I don't chain myself up to trees and tractors. I'm a pacifist under most curcumstances. I avoid conflict and conflict, in turn, avoids me. If Dave made an attempt to push me right, I would either push back left, or just set-up camp further left. However, this isn't an issue. I avoid conflict, so I feel like I can't write an honest paper about conflict in my life. The conflict I do encounter is so minimal it's more like a huckup in my day than a battle in my life. I don't know if I should be joyus that my biggest problem in life is finding the time to play my silly Japanese video games or not a good thing or bad.